Event | 11.01.23

The Renewable Energy Alliance Houston -REAL HOUSTON- brings together voices from the city’s impressive clean energy community and provides current and future industry stakeholders opportunities to foster connection, promote innovation, and increase the visibility of Houston’s clean energy businesses. As a 501(c) non-profit organization, REAL Houston was established to promote, connect, and grow Houston’s clean energy businesses and invite its members to join industry events, meetings, conferences, and programs. Clean Energy Perspectives From the Trenches aims to highlight discussion on clean energy trends and outlooks from our distinguished panel of US Army veterans and industry leaders, who following their military service, deployed their skills and expertise toward spearheading the energy transition.

Representing CAMS at the event will be:

  • Brian Ivany, Executive Vice President, Energy Transition Services

Brian Ivany will also share his perspectives as one of the three panelists on transitioning from active duty to civilian life, finding his niche in the energy industry; advice for veterans following in their footsteps, and the value veterans bring to the clean energy workforce.

Contact Brian at one of the links above to schedule a meeting in Houston!

Clean Energy Perspectives From the Trenches | REAL Houston

Event Date: November 14, 2023

Location: Houston, Texas | The Briar Club

For further event details, click here.